
Internal Control

Under the basic management policy of Securing Social Trust, all Dai-ichi Life organizations are united in their resolve to reject any coercion from antisocial forces that threatens the order and security of civil society or that disrupts sound economic and social development or corporate activities. Dai-ichi Life is fully committed to halting the development of any relationships with these forces in all of its transactions, including insurance contracts, to prevent any damage from occurring.

Policies and Regulations concerning Responses to Antisocial Forces

In accordance with the Basic Internal Control Policy, which establishes basic approaches and policies for halting the development of a relationship with antisocial forces and preventing potential damages, Dai-ichi Life has established regulations regarding antisocial forces. Moreover, based on its code of conduct guidelines, which establishes specific principles for the behavior of officers and employees, Dai-ichi Life thoroughly halts the development of any relationships with antisocial forces. Furthermore, we have created a detailed standards sheet on dealing with antisocial forces, which clearly articulates rules for officers and employees, as well as specific steps to halt the development of any relationships with antisocial forces and prevent damages.

Systems for Addressing Antisocial Forces

We have also designated the General Affairs Department as the department in charge of streamlining and strengthening systems to block the development of any relationships with antisocial groups in daily business operations and to prevent possible damages.
Dai-ichi Life also has developed a system in which each department and branch office appoints a manager in charge of the handling of antisocial forces and a person who promotes the appropriate handling of antisocial forces. Under this system, if a department or a branch office is contacted by antisocial forces, receiving undue claims and/or other demands, the manager and the designated person of that department or office take the lead in carrying out an appropriate response against such forces by cooperating with the General Affairs Department.
We have a system in place to notify the Board of Directors in a timely manner to ensure steps can be taken to halt any relationship from beginning if a transaction involving an antisocial force is found. Status reports on our response to antisocial forces are provided regularly to the Board of Directors to ensure that management is involved in our approach in an appropriate manner.
In addition, to ensure that we have no relationship with and to prevent damages related to antisocial forces, Dai-ichi Life is permanently committed to developing close cooperative systems with external specialist organizations, such as local police departments, National Center for Removal of Criminal Organizations, and lawyers.

Organizational System for Eliminating Relationships with and Preventing Damage from AntiSocial Forces

Organizational System for Eliminating Relationships with and Preventing Damage from AntiSocial Forces

Introduction of insurance policies with clauses against organized crime

We have incorporated a clause against organized crime* in our insurance policies since April 2012 in order to clarify conditions for the surrendering of insurance transactions with anti-social forces. This enables insurance policies to be surrendered in case the policyholder is found to be a member of organized crime or antisocial forces after the insurance agreement has been concluded.

  • * A contract clause that enables Dai-ichi Life to cancel the insurance policy if the policyholder is found after the conclusion of the contract to belong to an antisocial force (crime syndicate, member of a crime syndicate, a quasi-member of a crime syndicate, or companies affiliated with a crime syndicate) on the grounds that damage was caused to the relationship of trust making it impossible to fulfill the obligations of the policy.

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