
Internal Control

Dai-ichi Life recognizes the importance of thoroughly establishing compliance with laws and regulations, etc. concerning insurance solicitation as a condition for insurance solicitation from the perspectives of customer protection, the maintenance of sound and appropriate business operations of an insurance company and fair insurance solicitation, and promotes the development and improvement of systems for insurance solicitation management.

Policies, regulations, etc. concerning insurance solicitation management

Dai-ichi Life has established the Salesmanship Policy that defines appropriate solicitation and suggestions, education and cultivation of employees, among other things, and discloses the policy on its website. Under the Internal Control Policy of the Dai-ichi Life Group, the Company has also established the Insurance Solicitation Management Policy that defines the principles for its insurance solicitation management system. The laws and regulations and internal rules concerning insurance solicitation are described in the Total Life Plan Designer Compliance Manual. The officers and employees who engage in insurance solicitation are provided with this Manual and are thoroughly informed about its contents in various training sessions, etc.
Furthermore, the Company has established the Policy for Handling Marketing Materials that explains how to handle marketing materials in order to clearly and accurately communicate the contents of the products, systems and services of the Company to customers.

Organizational systems for insurance solicitation management

The Compliance Control Department is in charge of the Company's internal controls concerning insurance solicitation management. The Company has established systems under which important matters concerning the development and improvement of systems for and the promotion of insurance solicitation management are discussed in the Managers' Meeting for Incident Prevention Measures established under the Compliance Committee, and the results of discussions are reported to the Compliance Committee. Furthermore, insurance solicitation management for the branches and sales offices that are directly engaged in insurance solicitation is conducted through collaboration between the Compliance Control Department and the Quality Management Promotion Department. Quality officers assigned to the Quality Management Promotion Department provide guidance and support directly to the branches and sales offices for the improvement of solicitation quality from a customer perspective.
In addition, important matters concerning insurance solicitation management that Dai-ichi Life Group as a whole should recognize are reported to Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Inc. from time to time through the Compliance Control Department.

Promotion of insurance solicitation management

A specific implementation plan for the promotion of compliance, including insurance solicitation management, is determined by the Board of Directors every year as a compliance program corresponding to the issues to be addressed for the fiscal year, and each organization endeavors to ensure the execution of the plan. In addition to the above, based on the compliance program and the specific characteristics of each sales channel, etc., each organizational unit formulates top-priority compliance issues to be addressed and promotes the initiatives throughout the year. The Compliance Control Department, Quality Management Promotion Department and departments in charge of each sales channel regularly monitor these activities and follow up on progress in a timely manner. Furthermore, insurance solicitation management is promoted through the implementation of the PDCA cycle, by the members of the Compliance Committee and the Managers' Meeting for Incident Prevention Measures, a subordinate organization of the Compliance Committee, who verify the current status of each initiative set out in the compliance program and review the issues from time to time.


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