
Responsible Investment Policy / Report

Responsible Investment Report

As a universal owner that manages assets sourced from customers throughout Japan, the Dai-ichi Life promotes responsible investment that has ESG investment and stewardship activities at its core for improving investment return as well as solving social issues.
The Company regularly publishes a Responsible Investment Report in order to convey its basic stance and specific initiatives for responsible investment (i.e. ESG investment and stewardship activities), to all stakeholders, including its customers, shareholders, business partners, and local communities.

Responsible investment report

Responsible Investment Report 2023

Back Number

(For reference) Responsibltee Investment Disclosure Documents

Integrated Report

The sustainability initiatives as the Dai-ichi Life Group are in the Dai-ichi Life Holdings Integrated Report

Net Zero Transition Plan

We identified Responding to climate change as the most critical focus of responsible investment, committing to transition to a carbon-neutral portfolio by 2050.
As a financial institution, to promote climate change adaptation in the real economy towards a net-zero transition more comprehensively, Dai-ichi Life Holdings has concretized and disclosed the “Net Zero Transition Plan” in August 2023.
This plan is primarily developed with core domestic subsidiary, Dai-ichi Life, as the focal point and serves as a transition plan for the efforts and future considerations towards achieving net-zero.

Our Initiatives as a Responsible Investor for Human Rights

As a responsible investor, Dai-ichi Life is committed to working toward the realization of a society in which human rights are respected. We consider respect for human rights to be one of the key themes of responsible investment, and we will contribute to solving human rights issues in society as a whole.
The following report summarizes our human rights initiatives as an institutional investor.


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