
Human Rights Awareness

Human Rights Initiatives

Basic Policy

The Dai-Ichi Life Human Rights Declaration (Three Pillars of the Human Rights Declaration) was established in 1986. Matters concerning human rights can also be found in the Code of Conduct for executives and employees in order to improve the awareness of employees towards human rights.

With this background, in May 2014 Dai-ichi Life announced its participation in the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), a UN framework for the UN and corporations to achieve sustainable together. We will continually endeavor to develop employees that always think of others and take action in any situation based on a correct understanding and awareness of human rights.

Three Pillars of the Human Rights Declaration
1 Dai-Ichi Life respects basic human rights and makes efforts to foster freedom under the rule of law, equality, and a spirit of mutual aid.
2 Dai-Ichi Life works to create employees that are not only corporate citizens, but first and foremost outstanding members of society.
3 Dai-Ichi Life works to educate human resources so that they can correctly understand the corporate social responsibility and act accordingly.

Promotion System

A Human Rights Awareness Promotion Office composed of Executives, General Managers, and Managers has been established at the head office and Human Rights Awareness Committee has been established at all departments and branches in order to promote awareness of human rights throughout the Company.

Human Rights Awareness Promotion System as of April 2024

  • Head of Human Rights Awareness Promotion Division (executive in charge of personnel)
  • Directors (13 persons including general managers from the head office)
  • Secretariat (3 persons from DE&I Promotion and Human Rights Education Office)

Human Rights Awareness Training

We are working to raise awareness of human rights as we recognize that constant, continuous training is required to correctly understand and deepen our knowledge of human rights issues and connect it in our daily activities.
In addition to training for all employees, we provide periodic training, educational materials, and comprehension tests focusing our efforts on the prevention of harassment, correctly understanding Dowa* issues, the promotion of normalization, and the understanding of LGBTQ issues at the management level, newly appointed sales office managers, new employees, and other levels.

  • * refers to lower caste Japanese people who suffer from discrimination and ostracism that continues in contemporary times.

External activities

The Company is a member of the Tokyo Industrial Federation for Human Rights, and also actively participates in workshops held by government agencies and organizations in an effort to contribute to human rights awareness.

Initiatives to prevent sexual harassment and power harassment

We strive to prevent various forms of harassment by implementing company-wide training for the prevention of power harassment and sexual harassment as well as prevention measures for harassment based on pregnancy, childbirth, childcare leave and nursing care leave.

We publish our policies and initiatives for harassment prevention, human rights awareness, any related training materials, and compliance manuals, all of which can be viewed by all executives and employees. Further, all employees have access to a helpline in case any consultation is needed.

Those employees contacting us for consultation will be addressed and treated fairly and their privacy will be thoroughly protected.


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