
Customer Feedback

Customer feedback

Amount of customer feedback (complaints,opinions and requests)

< Definition of customer feedback (complaints, opinions and requests) >
Complaints contain the expression of customer dissatisfaction with us, e.g. all of our insurance products (including cancer insurance, non-life insurance and others handled by our partner companies), operating activities, behaviors/manners of our employees, and services incidental to contracts.
Opinions and requests are proposals that benefit our business improvement without corresponding to complaints.

Complaints 32,760
Opinions/requests 1,242

Examples of improvements based on customer feedback

Customer feedback Details of improvement
Regarding insurance policies and copies of declarations, I would like you to go paperless. Insurance certificates and copies of declarations had been sent by postal mail after the conclusion of contracts, but are now as delivered electronically. This makes it possible for policyholders to view details on our policyholders' website. (March 2023)
I would like to obtain data on life insurance premium deduction certificates using my smartphone as well. Previously, policyholders were able to download electronic insurance premium deduction certificate data using their personal computers. Now, however, it is possible to download them using a smartphone or tablet. (December 2022)
I would like to do benefit claim procedures online, but its hard to locate where to click on your website. We have redesigned our website to make sure that policyholders can move from the home page to the claims and benefits page in one click. In addition, we have revised the layout of the claims and benefits page to ensure that policyholders more easily know where to click to proceed with procedures on the policyholders' website. (January 2023)
I am more interested in asset building than preparing for risk, so I would like to have a consulting service that responds in a well-balanced way to my requests regarding coverage and asset building. The previous Total Life Plan mainly featured simulations in the occurrence of death. However we have revised it to enhance the elements related to the review of household finances and asset building. (July 2022)
I would like to think about asset building, but I don't know what actions I should take. To help policyholders build assets, we have started to provide the Asset Building Plus online service that supports policyholders comprehensively in a range of aspects such as BaaS which can be used on a daily basis and a simulation function that visualizes future household income, expenditures and the lifetime of assets. (January 2023)
I would like The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited to provide a Tsumitate NISA tax-advantaged investment account program. We have started to offer a Tsumitate NISA tax-advantaged investment account program. (April 2022)

Examples of appreciative comments from customers

We share letters of thanks from customers internally to enable all of the employees to think about the actions leading to customers' trust and implement these actions, aiming to increase customer satisfaction. We do not just sell insurance. We increase our willingness to exceed customers' expectations and take actions based on our customer's needs under a "with you" mindset.

Example of thanks received from customers for carefully responding to the customers' inquiries regarding fire insurance

This is a customer I met when I was visiting prospective customers with a senior associate in an area for which we were responsible. After gradually building trust through my visits, the customer bought our medical insurance in the previous summer.


When I visited the customer to report the completion of procedures after the contract was concluded, I was asked to provide a quote because he had not yet purchased fire insurance. When I asked about the situation, the customer replied that his parents had passed away over the past couple of years. Although he inherited the house in which he lives now, he had been unable to make changes to the owner's name or registration. It was necessary for me to check the correct status of registration to sell fire insurance. However the customer said that it was difficult for him to visit the local office of the Legal Affairs Bureau during the day because he lived alone and worked night shift every night.


Therefore, with the permission of the customer and his elder sister, his only living relative, I went to the office of the Legal Affairs Bureau on their behalf and checked the details of the registration. After confirming the details, we checked the registry with a staff member of Sompo Japan Partners Inc., our business partner. It was then found that no revisions had been made to the owner name or registration and the expansion construction of the home had not been registered. We came to the conclusion that we should ask him to enroll in insurance after making sure each of these matters was handled.


I went to the office of the Legal Affairs Bureau and the municipal office to check the necessary procedures. Eventually, it was suggested that we consult a judicial scrivener. I therefore suggested the expert consultation services of Yamada Escrow and Trust Co., Ltd which is our partner in the inheritance-related business, a service I had learned about in my earlier training. I told him that the initial consultation was free, adding that we would accompany him. Pleased with our advice, he decided to apply for the consultation. Subsequently, having completed the necessary procedures related to the owners' names and registration, the customer purchased fire insurance after approximately 12 months.


As I had made many phone calls and visited many times, the number of matters that the customer left to me increased. Now, he calls me by my family name instead of the name of the company, and kindly says that he wants me to stay by his side going forward. Looking ahead, I will continue to fulfill my duties while always sparing no effort to respect and value the customers' feelings.


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