
Bond & Rating Information

Bond Information

As of February 14, 2025

Below are corporate bonds currently issued by Dai-ichi Life.

Issuer Type Issue date Principal amount Maturity
The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited US dollar-denominated perpetual subordinated notes with interest deferral options(*1) July 20, 2016 USD 2.5 billion None(*2)
The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited US dollar-denominated perpetual subordinated notes with interest deferral options(*1) January 16, 2025 USD 2.0 billion None(*3)
(*1)  The Notes were offered to institutional investors in overseas securities markets, including Europe and the United States, but not in Japan.
(*2)  The Notes are callable on each interest payment date in and after July 2026 at the discretion of the Company, subject to prior government approval, etc.
(*3)  The Notes are callable on each interest payment date in and after January 2035 at the discretion of the Company, subject to prior government approval, etc.

Credit Rating Information

As of February 14, 2025

Below are Dai-ichi Life's current credit ratings.

Credit ratings are given and published by independent third-party agencies primarily as their opinions about the financial soundness of businesses.
Ratings for life insurance companies usually represent the degree of certainty with which insurance claims, annuities, etc. are paid in accordance with the policies involved.
Our company has obtained ratings from the following rating companies.

Rating Agency Rating Assigned Credit Rating
Rating and Investment Information, Inc. (R&I) Insurance claims paying ability AA
Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. (JCR) Ability to pay insurance claims AA
Standard & Poor's (S&P) Insurer financial strength rating A+
Fitch Ratings (Fitch) Insurer financial strength rating AA-
A.M. Best Financial strength rating A+
(*)  Each of the ratings is based on rating agency opinions, and rating agencies do not guarantee Insurance claims payments.
A credit rating may be subject to revision, suspension or withdrawal at any time by the assigning rating agencies.

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